Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Facebook - Protect your privacy

Many of us use Facebook. However, you only want to share personal information with friends or perhaps not have it listed at all.
Here is how to protect your contact information in Facebook so only those you want seeing this information can.

Under Account click "Privacy Settings".

On the Privacy Settings page, click "Customize settings." After the new page loads, scroll to the bottom. You should see an area for Contact information.

Your contact information is made up of five parts. These are your mobile phone number, another phone number, a physical address, instant messenger screen name and your e-mail.

Next to each is a dropdown menu. Here you choose who can see that information.

The dropdown menu will give you several choices. Those are Everyone, Friends and Networks, Friends of Friends, Friends only, and Customize. Select Customize.

This will open a new window in the center of your screen. You'll see a section labeled Make this visible to. Next to "These people," select Only Me. On the next line it says "And this network." Make sure no networks are selected. Then click Save Setting.

Do this for every piece of your contact information.