I'm paying around $45 a month for my home phone service. I've had thoughts about getting rid of my home phone but not ready to do that yet. I have a big house and I don't want to have to carry my cell phone around from room to room.
I found a solution!

I just purchased a home phone system called "Ooma". It cost me $264. However, it only will cost me around $3 a month for my phone service and will include all the bells and whistles plus more than I currently have on my home phone system. It works with your Internet connection and you get unlimited free U.S. calling and will work with all your phone connections in your house. You pay only applicable taxes and fees.
It takes a couple of months before the service is switched over. They give you a phone number to use on the new system until the switch finalizes. I don't mind the price or waiting since the way I have it figured, I'll have the whole system paid for in a matter of months!
From what I've heard Ooma is ranked #1 in phone service. I'm looking forward to saving $45 a month and so far the reception on my system is great.
Oh, did I mention that you get to keep your old phone number too?
Check it out at